Dearest Gentle Reader…. This writer is ecstatic to be back on here! SCRATCH THAT

Hey guuuyyysss!!!! *inserts happy dance*

It’s been like forever; I KNOW!!!!! I promise to be better onwards.. I missed being here and I know you missed too. I am here with an interesting topic today – WEDDING VENDORS/PROFESSIONALS.

One aspect of wedding planning that can be overwhelming for a lot of people is finding and booking the right vendors. Finding the right vendor lately seems like searching for a needle in a hay stack. This is because there are lots of amazing vendors to choose from and that can make decision making quite tough. Well, I am here to lessen that burden by teaching you a trick known as the KLT Factor for finding and booking vendors for events.

Vendors can be found through recommendations, google search, social media and many more. Here is how to find those that are right for you by using the Know-Like-Trust (KLT) Factor.

K – Know the vendor! When you find a vendor that peaks your interest, get to know them (about them). Find out more about their personality by following them closely on socials or asking their previous clients to share their experiences working with them.

L – Like the vendor! After getting to know the vendor, you should like them for who they are as well as like the work they do. It is always best to work with vendors that you resonate with. If the energy feels off or forced, it might not create a great environment to work in for either of you. Choose vendors that like and feel at peace with.

T – Trust the vendor! Trust that the vendor you have known and liked can do the work you need them to do for you. Trust in their expertise and experience and allow them room to give off their best.

Sift through the huge ocean of vendors your are stuck with using the KLT Factor and you are sure to get desired results. HAPPY PLANNING!!

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